Test all the things! - DermaOil skincare oil

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Like I said in a post a while ago, I've teamed up with Chemist Direct to review some of their fantastic products. I picked a variety of things that were relevant to me, and out of these Chemist Direct sent me this wonderful bottle of DermaOil skincare oil (also worth checking out their other products)!

This is quite simply a first impression type of post about the oil, as I only started using it this morning. The recommended "dose" is twice a day on any desired areas (three times a day if you're pregnant). I've actually got a lot of stretch marks all over my body - inner thighs, both biceps, next to my left armpit (such a bizarre place!), on both sides / love handles and quite an odd one next to my belly button. To document how the oil works I'm going to track the effects of it on my left side. It's actually quite hard to take pictures of your stretch marks, they reflect light in such an odd way.

OK, so! The oil smells really nice and fresh, it's sort of a citrus type scent. A single drop of the oil goes really far, and I made the mistake of just squeezing the bottle quite hard at first! :D The oil does stay on your skin for a while, so I don't recommend sitting on anything too expensive until it's completely absorbed (and probably best to wear some clothes you don't mind getting oily)!

I'll keep checking back on this product every now and then, most likely when there's half a bottle left and when I eventually finish the oil. I'm quite optimistic about this product, the reviews on Chemist Direct's website have been quite positive so far!

I'm also testing It Works! Ultimate Body Applicator (this isn't through my partnership with Chemist Direct). I will give it a full review once I've used all four body wraps to get a good idea of the product and results. :)

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