Day 2: Still alive

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Second day of the FitFarm program is nearly behind me! I'm just sipping on my evening smoothie as I'm writing this. It's been surprisingly easy to adapt to this new diet, overall it's pretty similar to what I'd normally eat but the portions are just a bit smaller and the amount of veg is insane!

Yesterday was definitely the trial and error day. Trying to figure out how to deal with all the igredient lists, how to combine them and so on. One of the biggest trials was trying to blend my smoothies in the food processor - faaar too much cleaning up to do afterwards!! I actually ended up marching over to Argos and bought an actual smoothie blender! This little baby is from James Martin, the easiest bit of kitchen kit I've ever used!

If you can't work this blender, you truly have not been given the brains to get through life. You simply screw the blender head on the cup, flip it all upside down, plant it on the motor bit and twist. And then you just watch everything get blended to a delicious smoothie. Yummy. Unfortunately I can't share the recipe of my meals and smoothies as it'd break the program terms, so all you guys get to do is look at the pretty pictures.

It really surprised me how much veg and berries actually goes into the meal plans. I had to go and stock up today as I was running low on pretty much everything I like to eat! :D There's a huge list of veg to choose from so I'm pretty confident that I won't get bored of my meals for the next six weeks. And there's no restrictions to what you make out of the ingredients you are given for each meal - as long as you follow the amounts, you can get pretty creative.

And the one thing I'm quite happy about with this program is that I'm allowed to drink calorie free juice and soda. This will come so handy especially at work, where I might not be able to eat for a very long time at a time. Having a bottle of Diet Coke by our desk is definitely going to help, as I find the fizzyness of Coke quite filling.

When I had a look at the diet plan for the first time last week, I really thought that it's going to be one of those diets where you have to starve to get results. The thought of very little carbs and lots of veg is not going to keep me filled up at all - but oh man how wrong I was! It's going to take me a while to get used to this massive amount of food, but I'm sure I'll manage. ;) At least I get to eat, and eating must be one of my favourite things to do haha!

I actually counted the calories I'm going to be consuming based on the diet plan, and it's only around the 1200 mark. It really surprised me based on the amount of food I'm eating, it feels like a lot more than that! I'm really looking forward to seeing the results of this, the workouts are quite brutal at this stage and me walking a lot at work is bound to give me a good boost to my weight loss!

Overall things haven't changed that much for me, apart from trying to include all the workouts somewhere in my day. I've already planned the next three weeks exercise wise, and I'm pretty confident I'll be able to stick to the new routine. The only tricky day is going to be Thursday, as I'm working really late (past 9pm) and will have to find the energy to do a workout after I get home. Luckily I've also found a nice gap to go swimming once a week! Really can't wait to get started with that.

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