Ab workout

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

I'm a self confessed Jillian Michaels fanatic. I just think the way she motivates you during the workout is amazing. She's got both the reassuring 'you can do it' attitude and the ability to push everyone to make the most of their workout. I think if they made shrines for her, I'd be over there worshipping her every day.

I've got her box set in the lounge and last year I got to lvl 2 of 30 Day Shred. Unfortunately I started getting little aches in my back during the workout so I stopped it for a while to be safe + I think I got ill as well so I never really got back into it. The rest of my week exercise wise is going to be full of Jillian, one dvd for each day.

Today I did the 6 Week Six-Pack workout. Even though the name of the dvd suggests that it's all about the abs, it's really not. That's what I love about Jillian, she still manages to combine every single muscle group into her training while focusing on the main target at the same time. This workout is a very fast paced circuit, which means that there's very little rest between the different exercises. I managed to do everything but side planks - I just simply don't have the muscle strength to hold my body up while one of my legs is off the ground. I know it's not meant to rely on my arms but you know, your arm is kinda one of your support pillars during this one!

I just need to remember to stretch properly tonight or I won't get out of bed tomorrow. I made that mistake with 30DS last time, the intensity of the workout paired up with the cooldown stretches on the dvd just aren't enough!

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