The beginning

Friday, January 04, 2013

Hi guys, Panda here! I'm a 21 year old girl, currently 84kg and 161cm. Scary figures! This blog will be all about my weight loss journey, including all the ups and downs, inspiring articles, my progress and so on.

I'm starting this journey for quite a few reasons. I did Weight Watchers for quite a while last year and thanks to the program and a very physical job I lost about 10 kilos. Unfortunately I have a bad back and after a work accident in July I havent been able to exercise the way I used to and being unable to work meant that I can no longer carry on with WW. Then the weight started piling back on very quickly and by late November I was back where I started. This alone is pretty depressing.

My back does play a big role in this project. I want to drop the extra weight to make life a bit easier for my spine. I have grade 2 spondylolisthesis which in common terms is a slipped vertebra. This causes massive discomfort and limits my daily life by tons, making standing still for longer periods of time nearly impossible.

I'm also in the risk group for diabetes. My aunt and probably all my uncles are diabetic, my grandad was diabetic as well so I need to be careful with my health! I don't want another condition to worry about if I can help it. Fingers crossed its not too late for me.

And the last reason is probably quite a common one. I want to look better. I've never been thin, I've always had a bit of extra on me. Its not doing wonders to my confidence so I really want to change that during 2013. I hate shopping with a passion at the moment, trying clothes on in the tiny fitting rooms with terrible lighting and those huge mirrors is my worst nightmare.

My aim is to get down to about 60-65 kilos. It all boils down to feeling comfortable in my own body so when I feel like I'm happy with myself, I'll call it a day. The number on the scale is, well, only a number at the end of the day.

I hope my blog will inspire others to gather the courage to make positive changes in their lives. This will definitely be a long and tough journey, but I'm confident in myself and I have the best support in the world when I hit a rough patch. :) Don't think I could take on such a massive task without having my wonderful boyfriend supporting me every day!

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