Happy May Day!

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

We are nearly halfway through this year already. It's mad how quick time has gone.

Finally back to working out today. I paired up a 40 minute walk with 30 Day Shred's level 1. It was so noticable that I haven't been working out properly for the past 1,5 weeks. My muscles just felt so incredibly tight through the workout and I honestly wanted to die after five minutes. I also had to use the lighter weights I have, using the 3kg ones was too tough. :( It was like my body begging for mercy for half an hour. Not fun at all. Hopefully tomorrow will go slightly better, I feel very pathetic for having to use the light weights.

My new schedule for 30DS. One day down, 29 + rest days to go.

Dinner tonight was absolutely amazing. I read about filled peppers in one of these fitness blogs I read (link, only in Finnish), it's nothing flashy but oh my goodness it's such a good idea. I filled ours with couscous, ground beef and peas, also used a bit of BBQ sauce to give it a nice smokey flavour. Then a bit of grated cheddar on top and in the oven for 25 minutes. To make dinner a bit more filling I also roasted potatoes and carrots. Yum.

Before the oven.

And all together. Delicious.

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