Six week crunch

Friday, June 27, 2014

I'm so determined to finish off my weight loss project by the end of the summer. So determined that I've actually signed up for a 6 week intensive exercise and diet plan made by a Finnish company called FitFarm.

I obviously can't share too much about this whole thing as it's a paid service and me dishing out the bits of it for free would violate the terms of the "contract". I will however talk about my general progress, how this plan is making me feel and so on. I placed myself in group 2, which is for people looking to lose 10-20kg. I mean I'm not going to be too disappointed if I don't lose all the weight I'm still looking to lose, but even half of it would be absolutely great. I just need that little push to get off this plateau I seem to be stuck at right now.

Taken from my Instagram, prepping the paperwork.

I'm a bit of an obsessive person about certain things, so I've written down the week 1 diet plan on a bit of paper so I can stick it on the fridge. I've also gone to Holland & Barrett to buy all the supplement goodies they recommend to use during the plan + a massive stack of little plastic containers for lunches.

The most difficult part of this whole thing is definitely going to be the eating part. I work really long hours and I don't get to come home during the day (apart from Monday and Friday), so I need to be able to have my lunch in a sealable container. Thankfully Poundland was able to supply me with those, and I am actually going to do a bit of meal prepping for the next six weeks! Thankfully the lunches are perfectly fine cold, so in that sense it won't be an issue at all. I just need to get into the habit of cooking a lot of meat in one batch and then just divide it into enough containers to last me for a week!

And just because the plan isn't a big enough challenge, we are having a team dinner a week into the whole thing! Our department is paying for it all and I'm worried that I'll end up eating and drinking far more than I think I should because I'll know it's free!

I'm actually really excited to get started with this, it'll be something completely new and fresh so I definitely won't be getting bored of it - and only lasting for six weeks and the plans changing every few weeks, how can I?

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  1. I really want to use some of your articles on my blog. ( ) Let me know

    1. Hello Jessica, please email me at to discuss this :)
