Bunching up all the reviews

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I've kinda been putting this off for a while, because the reviews aren't quite that big on their own! I've been testing three products for the past few months now (with varying results), and I wanted to summarise them all in one handy post.

It Works! body wraps

There's loads of different body wraps out there, and I've always been very sceptical about these things. Me not following the rules as much as I should've probably had an impact on the results (I refused to give up caffeine for these things), but overall this wrap isn't amazing. I forgot to take any sort of measurements at the start of my testing so I can't give you guys accurate results, but the pictures can demonstrate the minimal change. Apart from the caffeine part I followed the instructions of the pack, and my results aren't quite the same as all these adverts on their website. ;)

This test was done during a period where I did pretty much no exercise, so the results were purely due to the wraps. I think this is more of a quick fix for an event than anything else really, just to nip in your waist and remove bloating from your belly.

RapidLash eyelash serum

I'm absolutely in love with this stuff! It has worked far better than I imagined it would. I've nearly finished the bottle now, and I started this test back in late April. While the look of my lashes without any mascara might not look too different, I've noticed them growing a lot stronger and longer than before. The tips of my lashes are still quite fair in colour, but with a bit of mascara they look really great - most days I actually only use mascara before heading out, hah!

My lashes also curl a lot more now, instead of just growing straight out. This was probably the biggest reason I wanted to give this serum a go, and it really didn't let me down. Especially my lower lashes have gained a new life completely, they must be as long as my top lashes were before starting this test!

So final verdict? Definitely worth it. Just buy it off Amazon or something, actually saw it at my local drug store for twice as much as I bought it for!

DermaOil skincare oil

I got DermaOil through a collaboration with ChemistDirect, and I was so chuffed about the opportunity to test something for them! Unfortunately this test barely got off the ground, as the oil actually made my stretch marks itch beyond belief! I had to stop using the oil as I was scared that constantly scratching my marks would actually make them worse.

Does this mean it's a bad product? No, probably not. My skin just couldn't handle the oil for whatever reason. It's a shame really, I've got a lot of stretch marks all over my body and I know this stuff works. You win some you lose some. :)

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