All Downloaded out!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Well this has been one busy week! My brother left about 40 minutes ago, and I've got a bit of time to go over the week before I have to crack on with my course work (final deadline on Thursday, eek!). :)

The amount of little gifts my brother brought with him was so adorable, made me a bit homesick for a brief moment there! Two Moomin mugs, some wooden utensils, sweets and chocolate and a very cute brush to wash veg!

It's been so nice to have family around for an entire week. I really don't get to see my close family a lot as the distance (and price tag) is just too much for regular visits, so I make the most out of it when I get to see the people I love and care about.

I wanted to let my brother decide on a lot of the stuff we did, so we did some shopping (or tried to, the high street shops sell awful clothes.. :p), saw Edge of Tomorrow and went to London! Our London day was filled with Natural History and Science museum + food! I didn't have to think long when trying to pick a place to eat, The Green Man is the pub to go to whenever I'm in London! Instead of going for a beef burger, both me and my brother picked the vegetarian version this time. The patty was made of mashed sweet potato and red chilli, that and the blend of spices made the burger one of the best I've ever eaten! With incredible flavour and affordable prices, The Green Man is very hard to top. :)

Usually on a holiday I tend to eat absolutely crap, but with my brother being quite into staying fit (he runs) and eating healthy, I felt far more motivated to pick the healthier options all week. It's all about the support of loved ones when losing weight, eh? :) We also did TONS of walking and my step count averaged around 13k all week, with Friday topping it with 24k!

Friday really was the absolute highlight of the entire week! I've never been to a festival before and I was so excited about it! It was quite a long trip to Donington Park, and arriving to East Midlands Parkway station was quite a bizarre experience. As we pulled up to the platform all we could see were these MASSIVE power plant cooling towers! Not exactly something you see right next to train stations now is it? :D

Coming from a small town, seeing so many people in one place was a very odd experience at first! Just trying to find our way through the crowds between stages was a task and a half, and we didn't even try to get close to the stage when we were listening to the bands. We quite happily just stayed behind the masses of people, also saved our ears that way. ;)

Out of all the bands we got the chance to listen, Powerman 5000 and The Offspring were by far my favourites. I've been a massive fan of PM5K since I was about 14, and I've been just as fond of Offspring from around that age too. Just seeing two incredible bands live on the same day made me so happy and grateful, it's not something I get to do a lot! Download had an incredible lineup this year, just a shame all the bands I love were scattered on different days. Maybe I'll go for the entire weekend next year if the lineup is just as amazing!

And it's not a good festival unless you get a shirt to remind you about it! Unfortunately the girl's tee was absolutely awful so went for the smallest guys shirt they had - and it's not bad! Quite a loose fit but oh well, at least I've got a shirt!

I bought a cute widget for my phone called Snap Remote (or Selfie Remote) as well this week, and I finally got the chance to test it out! It's a really handy little thing and I actually went a bit mad with it, my camera's pic gallery was full of silly snaps of me fooling around (as you can see in the bottom two pictures haha!). I will cover this cute little remote in a separate post when I have time for it - time to be productive and actually do some course work!

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