Onwards to new challenges!

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Time to reveal the damage! In the end I didn't feel too disappointed (I mean, obviously a little bit), but I suspect a lot of this is just water weight and easily fixable with a few dietary changes. :) Shouldn't take me too long to drop this weight I've gained and carry on.

As usual, numbers in brackets are from the previous progress check - which in this case was April.

Weight: 74kg (69,9kg)
Arms: 30cm (30cm)
Bust: 97cm (95cm)
Waist: 71,5cm (71cm)
Belly: 91,5cm (89cmcm)
Thighs: 56,5cm (55cm)

I've also set myself a target as a result of this slight dip - I want to be at 65kg by the end of the summer! As I really didn't hit my last target, I'm so determined to stick to this one. I might even get a detailed exercise / diet plan from a PT to really get going with this.

Lately I've been really proud of what I've cooked, and tonight really wasn't an exception. I wanted something light so I ended up making a very yummy roasted sweet potato salad with meatballs (recipe, without the grated sweet potato). Sweet potato really has replaced regular potato in our home, I just prefer the taste of it and being the healthier option also makes it so very lovely in my eyes. The meal is really filling despite not really looking like it, and really doesn't add too much to the calorie budget either. :) And now that it's getting quite warm outside I don't want to fill up with "heavy" dinners either.

Next week will be more inactive again, as my dear brother is coming over to England for the week! It's going to be one busy week with lots planned, including going to Download festival for the Friday! Can't wait to see Powerman 5000 play live, they're by far one of my favourite bands and it'll be so exciting to see them perform. If any of my lovely readers are heading to the festival and recognise me, please do come and say hi!

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  1. I think, my scale is broken or something. I am sorry, I just find it really weird, when I compare my measurements with yours: I am 171 cm tall, with 94/75/105, but my scale only shows 64 kg, but compared to earlier measurements (from years ago - with different scales) it seems to be alright. Anyway, what I wanted to say: It seems to me that with those measurements you should be *much* lighter. ;-)

  2. Well, actually I was assuming "belly" meant "hips" (I basically just took the three measurements in a row, without reading what word stood in front of them), but now I am not so sure... Please feel free to delete my two comments, if you want. It seems they may be a bit senseless. Sorry again!

  3. Weight is quite a complex thing, every body is built differently. :) My frame simply carries my weight differently than someone else's, for example my mum is slightly shorter than me and physically slightly bigger, but only weighs 62kg or so.
