So what's your excuse?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's been quite a packed week again. But nevermind, Thursday mornings are perfect for a bit of writing. ;)

After such a tiny loss this week I really felt like doing something about it straight away. Sunday being my day off again last week I just thought that I might as well go for a long walk to de-stress and clear my head for the week ahead. My plan was all good, but a few minutes after stepping outside it started raining. I just thought that I'll suck it up, it wasn't raining that hard and I've walked in worse weather before. And it was fine until about the last 20 minutes of my walk. It really started pouring down and I walked against the wind for a while so I just got completely soaked!! My hoodie, trousers, trainers and socks were completely wet and everything else at least partially wet. When I got back my other half just said "Did you go for a swim?!" when he saw me! :D He hadn't even realised that it had rained.

What's your excuse for not exercising? I didn't even let the awful weather stop me.

As you'd expect, we've got a student tutor at uni. He's there to listen to any concerns - both personal and uni related - and we had a really nice long chat on Tuesday. He was just asking about how things are going and so on and we sort of got on the subject of career choices. Ever since I moved to England I've started putting everyone else before myself (my background really influences this as I know how awful it feels to be alone and have nobody to talk to). If someone needs help with anything, 90% of the time I will drop my own things just so I can help a friend get through something. My tutor did suggest careers similar to a personal assistant on graphics related course and I also mentioned councelling. My other half keeps saying that I should look into it as I have helped quite a few friends through all kinds of mental issues. I've just really turned into someone who wants to help. I suppose it's simply because I didn't get the help I was after years ago and I just want to make sure others do.

On a slightly lighter note, my other half surprised me last night when I was leaving work! He cooks very rarely so when he called me to ask how to make a glaze I use on salmon I just couldn't wait to get home. :) It's just so nice to come home and not have to worry about cooking something every now and then. I mean I really love cooking and I happily do it every single night, but little treats like this make me so happy.

This is the glaze I use and it's divine. Really simple to make, tastes amazing and you can serve pretty much anything you want with it. We had it with lemon couscous, peas & sweetcorn and grilled peppers. I let my other half be in charge of plating it all up as well, he's so adorable.

I went through my wardrobe again last night. I've just got so many clothes I haven't worn for ages because they're either too big for me or I just don't simply like them. I did the same probably six months ago and now I've got two plastic bags full of clothes just sitting there, waiting for me to take them to a clothes bank so they'll be handed out to people who really need them. I just need someone to drive me to one, I'm not dragging two heavy bin bags full of clothes all the way to the closest one!

What I noticed after my little "cleansing ritual" was that it was mainly black and white again. I spoke about this subject a while ago and it's really starting to be obvious that my clothes are directly linked to my confidence. For years I wore dark colours and baggy clothes so I could just hide away. Apart from a pink dress and a green top all these clothes are just a part of the old me and I want to get rid of them.

Now I've just got to be brave and go shopping for new stuff. I can't say it enough, I hate shopping! I'd prefer to do it all online but I've got a gift card and a money off voucher that can only be used in store. Thankfully my friend offered to go with me so at least he will keep my sanity levels relatively normal when I do manage to drag myself to New Look again.

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