First week with my UP band

Monday, August 12, 2013

Right, one week of use behind me, time to have a better look at this thing. :)

You probably remember me mentioning that it didn't work with my phone (and the app hadn't come out for tablets) and I had to use someone else's phone to sync the band with the app. Well, I found a way to "hack" the app on my tablet. :) You just simply find the .apk- file of the app and you can download it directly on your tablet.

As you can see, the app is incredibly colourful. I absolutely love that, it makes the app look interesting and fun. The main page of the app shows you a quick summary of your sleep and steps + a facebookesque activity feed (if you've got friends using the app and you're connected with them, they will see all of this).

When you press on either of the bars, the app gives you a detailed breakdown of your activity and sleep. I've found this so useful, it's so interesting to see how much sleep youve had, when you woke up during the night, how many calories you've burnt during the day, how long you've just sat down during the day and so on. Especially the activity tracker gives me a motivation boost to fill the meter and move a lot during the day so the bracelet doesn't start telling me off for slacking!

The food tracker is a feature I haven't tried in all fairness. I track my food with MyFitnessPal (oh and the app can be synced with it and many others) so I have completely neglected this part of the app. I did put stuff down in the tracker just to show what it looks like, I really should see if I can sync MyFitnessPal with it.

The lifeline feature basically shows you everything in one go. You can scroll through it and such, I think in the long run it'll be a good indicator for your activity and sleep, but after using it for just a week I just don't quite see the usefulness of this feature.

And this is why. The trend feature let's you compare your stats with each other (you can pick any of the trackable stats to compare, even dietary stuff) and if this feature just goes on forever without erasing any data, I have a feeling I will be using this more than the lifeline. You can also pick your mood from the main page of the app so your friends can see how you're feeling every day. It's a silly little thing and I haven't actually used it, probably because I've got nobody else on my app feed though. :D 

Overall I am very pleased with the band. It is giving me so much information I was missing, such as my steps and calorie burn. The sleep feature is by far the best thing this band has though, I sleep surprisingly well!

Got an UP band and want to team up? Throw your UP profile name in the comments and I will add you! :)

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  1. Miks sä muutit britteihin? Miten se käytännössä onnistu ja mitä vaati? :D

    1. Muutin tänne mun poikaystävän takia (tavattiin World of Warcraftin kautta, hän brittiläinen), hankin sit ittelleni opiskelupaikan että oli ihan "järkeväkin" syy muuttaa tänne. :D Ei siinä oikeestaan mitään tarvinnu ku muutin EU:n sisällä, tietysti muuttoilmotukset jne. Kela makso vielä mulle opintotuet collegen aikana, sen jälkeen tais lähtee kyl oikeus Suomen sosiaaliturvaan kun oon ollu täällä yli kolme vuotta.

    2. Siis eikö ihan oikeesti tarvinu tehä periaatteessa muuta ku hommata sieltä asunto ja muuttaa vaan? :D ja sulla on taas toi sanatunnistus päällä... :/

    3. Joo se on ihan niin helppoa. :D Onneksi. Sehän se ois ollu kun olis pitäny alkaa sotkemaan viisumien kanssa..

      Mikä sanatunnistus?

    4. Siis oikeesti :D en voi uskoa et se on niin helppoa! oon aina luullu et tarvii kaikkia oleskelulupia, viisumeita, jne jne :D

      Ja siis toi et pitää todistaa olevansa ihminen :(

    5. Joo se kyl vähän yllätti, että se oli niin yksinkertaista loppujen lopuks. Ainoot viralliset paperit mitä oon täällä täyttäny on terveyskeskuksen rekisteröintipaperit. :D

      Jaa! Enpäs oo ollu edes tuosta tietonen, että se ois päällä. Pitänee tuo käydä pistämässä pois päältä.

    6. Oon ihan hämyssä! Maailma muuttu täysin :D luulin tosiaan et se on iha superiso prosessi.... :D
