Last minute shopping

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

So with my ankle being what it is I had to replan my wardrobe for this weekend. I don't really have any fancy flats for going out so while I was out today I got some new clothes and a pair of shoes! Good excuse to go shopping. I've also been looking for jeans for absolutely forever now and finally found a nice pair that feels amazing and doesn't look awful on me. And because I was attracted by bright colours, I grabbed a nice top as well.

I've ALWAYS hated shopping for jeans. Especially with the current trend of incredibly skinny jeans that can only fit rice sticks in them. I've always had curves and I'm short, so skinny jeans have always looked incredibly hideous on me. I prefer balancing my bum and thighs out with bootcut jeans. It just looks so much better. I don't think I'm even going to start buying skinny jeans when I lose more weight. Just not my style at all.

Oh and on a more serious note, I went to get an application form for uni as well. Or well, uni level course that my old college organises. Fingers crossed I get in. :)

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