Rainy day

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Rain, rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun.

Surprisingly hard to find the proper version of that song on Youtube.. All I get is "This and that has blocked this video in your country" and it's annoying! All I get is covers of people doing this song and quite frankly that's not good enough! :D

Anyways. The forecast is telling me it's gonna rain all day today and I'm bit annoyed about that as it's my only day off this week. Really could've done with a long walk along the seafront, it's just been way too long since I've had the chance to do that. I think I'd actually just suck it up and go if I had a waterproof jacket, but that's still something I need to invest in.

I keep telling myself that I should restart Body Revolution, but I just keep putting it off. The DVD box just keeps staring at me on the dresser and I feel so guilty for constantly postponing it. Now that our time is cut really short and we simply don't have the time to go to the gym, I think I really should get back into it to keep myself fit (don't want to lose all the muscle definition I've worked hard for now do I?) and make sure my weight loss doesn't stall.

To keep myself occupied today I've been doing a ton of uni work. We have sketchbooks for all our hard copies of our work and we are required to keep them up to date all the time, so I've just been taping stuff in, finishing half finished tasks, printing it out, rinse and repeat. I'd really prefer to have a blog for it all instead of wasting paper (and ink..) but what can you do.

The top picture is just some old stuff I have in there to show you lot what it's all about, bottom one is some ridiculous moodboards we had to create this week. For the blue one I actually stapled my boyfriend's £80 jumper on a bit of paper.. :D He did give me permission to do it so it's all good!

And to the important bit of this post, progress pictures! I really should measure myself way more than I do now (five places), as I really seem to get the most progress in the spots I don't measure! I've really lost a ton of fat since September, holy hell seriously!

I actually compared the pictures from today to my starting pictures, and oh my god I've come so far in ten months. It's just incredible what a bit of willpower can achieve; 11kg (25lb) difference is really huge. I know I'm aiming to drop another 11kg, but just looking at my progress now I don't think I should go quite that far. I have a feeling that just another 5kg will get me to the figure I want. I'm starting to be really happy with my body (the first time I can say that in six or seven years..), but I'm a perfectionist so I'm not quite done yet. ;)

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