
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Like I mentioned a few days ago, my other half got me a foam roller for Christmas. As I didn't really know anything about the brands out there, I let him decide which one he ordered for me. It is a pretty standard roller from 66fit, very firm and feels nice to the touch. Yesterday was the first day I had a chance to actually roll my muscles properly and it definitely was a very eye opening experience!

I decided to roll my muscles after I came home from a run as I figured that it'd go as my cool down. I never realised how many knots and lumps you can have in your muscles!! My calves were an absolute minefield of sore spots, I think I could've easily spent an hour rolling away on it.

And as pet owners might know, you're never alone unless you lock yourself in a room and make sure you have no animals in there with you!! As I was about to do my shoulders Oakley decided to walk in and lie flat on my belly, making it a bit challenging to try and carry on! And of course I was lathered in kisses as well. Adorable but very yucky, I was feeling clammy enough after my run! :D

I've started making my own lunch to work, and I've got to say that it's definitely such a good thing! Now I'm able to know exactly what I'm eating and I get (relatively) fresh food that's not full of packing gases and preservatives. Most of the time I've just had leftovers from dinner the night before with a bit of fresh salad on the side, really fills me up and keeps me going for the rest of the day! And it's so much more satisfying to eat proper and nutritious food instead of relying on the packed lunches you buy from the high street.

I've got the next three days off from work and I am looking forward to it! I'm finally getting my hair done tomorrow and I've made plans with a dear friend to catch up over lunch as well, and then of course there's New Year's eve! I'm probably not doing much as none of my friends have made any plans (or mentioned them to me, hah) so I'm probably doing my usual of staying at home and watching the fireworks from our office window. :)

Oh and I've been asked to review a fitness app! More on that in a few days once I've had a play around on it, stay tuned!

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