Of music and friendship

Monday, March 04, 2013

Felt like it's a good time to ramble on about something non weight loss related for a change! :D As probably for a lot of people, music is such a huge part of my life. I like to sing, I listen to certain songs when I'm feeling down, I LOVE screaming my lungs out to some of my favourite songs when sitting in the car.

I started getting into rock and metal when I was about 13. Green Day's American Idiot had just been released and to me it was the best thing ever. It was kinda the album that started forming my identity a bit. I mean sure, I went through the emo phase but even though my appearance has changed to a more neutral look I'm still a complete rocker at heart. :D This kind of music fits my personality well.

I've seen a few bands live as well. I was probably 15 when I went to see Bullet for my Valentine back in Helsinki. Can't remember much of the gig to be fair, all I know is that it was good. :D Over here in England I've seen KoRn and Volbeat. The Volbeat gig was such an emotional thing for me, this band is by far the best thing I've ever come across. Hearing them play my favourite songs made me eyes water and everything! Such a soppy git. And the official tour shirt I have is probably my favourite bit of clothing as well (and when I bought it it was a bit tight, now it fits like a glove :D).

Tour shirt! I love it how pale I am, my feet are blending into the carpet :'D

And like the title says, something else I want to write about too. I've been trying to figure out a good way of writing this post for a good few days now but I've just kinda been lost for words. Lately I've been spending more and more time speaking to someone who's definitely been such an inspiration to me weight loss wise. He's gone through the process already so he's been able to give me good tips (and tons of motivation) and it's just been so nice to talk to someone who can relate to what I'm dealing with. I mean of course I talk to my other half about this too but he's never seen fat on his body in his life. :D

And to finish this post, one of my favourite songs from Volbeat. :3

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