My fitness must-haves

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Along the way I've picked up different fitness related things that I really couldn't live without anymore. Hopefully this post will inspire you to start coming up with your own must-have collection! And if you already do, I'd love to hear about them! :)

1. Stainless steel water bottle

Ever since discovering the hazards of bisphenol A, I ditched plastic bottles. I avoid them the best I can, as BPA is used in certain plastics and it can dissolve into the water. While the research is still ongoing (mainly tested on animals) and the risks to humans isn't completely clear yet, there is evidence of BPA causing hormonal issues and danger to infants and young children. This is enough for me to steer away from plastic. And ignoring the health side, it's more environmental friendly.

2. Running shoes

Getting good running shoes was one of the most important things for me when I started getting back into running. My gym shoes just simply don't offer enough support for my ankles and lacked the grip on wet ground. Quite a lethal combination, don't you think?

3. Sports bras

A bit of a no-brainer really! I want to be as comfortable as I can when I'm exercising, and having proper support is so vital. Keeps things out of the way and they're just a million times more comfortable than a normal bra. I've actually started using a sports bra to work, I'm constantly bending over to lift things and wearing a sports bra just keeps the girls in their place. ;)

4. UP-band

While I haven't used my band for a while again, the Jawbone UP has definitely been a great investment. When I was still getting used to my own calorie burn and activity levels, being able to track it all was very valuable. Both times I've stopped using it has been because I got fed up with it getting caught on my pillow when I was trying to sleep. I like to be comfortable when I sleep and the band was having none of it!

5. Phone

Yes, as weird as this one sounds, my phone keeps me up to date with everything. I listen to music when I exercise, I track my activity and calories through various apps (I'm going to make a post about a few later on) and it's my main platform for taking pictures as well.

And my phone has definitely taken it's fair share of battering, the amount of times I've dropped it on the ground mid walk when I've been changing the song is a bit silly.

6. Foam roller

I've been all over this one lately! The benefits of using a foam roller are simply incredible - prevents injuries, helps you de-stress (I normally find myself rolling my calves for a good half an hour at least, time just flies by as I roll away while watching TV!), keeps you flexible, gets rid of muscle knots you didn't even know you had.. The list goes on! A foam roller is a very inexpensive way of keeping your muscles in good shape and it lets you get more familiar with your own body.

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