What an insane start to the year!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

So far 2014 has really given me some incredibly exciting stuff to deal with! While physically I haven't been able to do what I want (hip injury still reminding me of its existence every now and then), other areas of my life are going full speed ahead!

The biggest thing by far is us moving house, but I've rambled on about that enough (For now! Just wait til moving day, hah!) so I'm just going to jump over this one.

I managed to get down to my new gym tonight after work to sign my membership forms and I'm all good to go now! I was going to wait until February but I just can't stay away any longer, my target date is haunting me in my sleep!

After a quick tour around the gym, I am more than pleased! A compact gym with everything you need really, with each section of the gym divided with a bit of common sense. I'm really burning to get started over there, I just need to wait for my hip to heal properly first. There's simply no sense in starting to train with an injury, it'll never heal if I keep putting pressure on it. 

On top of all this I was contacted by the Answers.com team last night! They invited me to be a guest writer for their weight loss section, and I obviously said yes! I really enjoy helping others and sharing my knowledge about exercise, weight loss and healthy living, so being offered such an incredible opportunity is such an honour! A massive thank you to the Answers.com team, I can't wait to have my first article published on the website! I decided to write about exercising with a bad back, it felt like a really appropriate way to start our journey together. I will share every article I write on my blog of course, I wouldn't want you guys to miss out! My blog will stay the same as it is, I'm aiming to write two Answers.com articles a month to start with and see how it goes.

It's easy to smile when life is going your way. :)

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